Plan The Job, Inc.

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Comments from a USACE Regional Safety Manager

Dear Jennifer,

I am writing to share with you some feedback about your services.

I was recently serving in the position of CQC and Safety Manager for project on the west coast.  The project was valued at approximately $13 Million Dollars and we had submitted all of our initial Project Plans.  The Regional Safety Manager had scheduled an appointment to visit the project and we scrambled to make sure everything was in good order before he arrived.

Once he got to the site, we had a very brief meeting and then a tour of the dredge plant.  After the tour, we had a debriefing to discuss his findings.  He had only a few comments during the inspection and all of his feedback at the debriefing was largely positive.  When I asked if most of his project visits with other contractors were usually this promising he said no.  Some are he said but he can usually tell how it will go when he sees the initial Accident Prevention Plan Submittal.

He said, when the plans are substandard, it often follows that the contractor is too.    Now, I do not know if that is true but if an inspector comes in and expects to see bad things, chances are, he will see bad things.  On the other hand, if he comes in expecting to see good things, chances are he will see good things. Thanks so much for partnering with me - your plans were professional, clear and concise.  Based on the comment from the USACE Regional Safety Manager, I am convinced that the investment was well worth it to prepare plans of high quality.  It set the tone for the entire project and the project has gone great...and I don't have to go at it alone.  Y'all are THE BEST - I am telling everyone about you!

John Taylor, Taylor Construction Group, Inc.
Any project valued over $500k would be very well served to have Plan The Job prepare all of their initial project Plans. 

If the project is on a very tight budget and the Project Management would prefer to put the plans together him or herself, another option is Plan The Job, Inc. sister  Here you can buy templates for your project plans and add the projectspecificdetails yourself.  Either way, purchasing plans or plan templates that will impress your client will serve you tremendously to get your project started on the right foot and set a precedence that will contribute to success.